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Master's Program in Chinese Language and Culture

Embarking on the 2023-2024 RYE Chinese Language Course of Rotary International District 3501 Taiwan

The Rotary International District 3501 Rotary Youth Exchange Program(RYE) for the 2023-2024 Chinese Language Course has officially begun. This exciting program is organized by the Graduate Program of Chinese Language and Culture of NTHU and includes 14 students from 8 different countries: the United States, Poland, Brazil, France, Finland, Spain, Germany, and Hungary. These students have gathered at the classrooms of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at NTHU to embark on a year-long Chinese language course. The program will culminate with their first oral presentation scheduled for January of the following year. We would like to invite the host families to attend and appreciate the students' oral presentations in the upcoming January. Let's look forward to it.

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